a new gold standard
tutoring Designed to be graduated from
From a team of private tutoring powerhouses comes a revolutionary approach to 1:1 academic tutoring and coaching - plus some additional fun services!
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k-12 Tutoring
From $90/hour
Patient, purposeful, and kind tutoring tailored to exactly what makes your kid unique. We’re in this business because we love to connect, teach, and inspire.
Price depends on age and subject.
test prep & college essay coaching
Hone your test prep intentionally at the hands of test masters and alumni of elite colleges.
Develop your personal voice and discover what is truly unique about your story with 1:1 college essay coaching.
deluxe private tutoring services
From $300/month
Elevate your child’s learning experience with personalized tutoring sessions catered to their unique learning style, personhood, and goals. Receive monthly written status updates and progress reports from your child’s tutors. Experience the difference with Gold Standard Tutoring.
the new Gold Standard
Our professional tutors, all trained at top universities, are here to assist you on your educational journey. From tutoring services to test prep, we cover students K-12 and beyond. Let us help you achieve academic excellence.
raise your hand
Questions about subject matter, placement, team members or prices? Share your details with us, and we'll reach out promptly to connect you with a revolutionary educator.